Pro-lifers score a victory in Beverly Hills

Priests for Life

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                

Contact:  Leslie Palma                                                          


Pro-lifers in California have succeeded in keeping an all-trimester abortion business from opening in Beverly Hills.

Tasha Baker, who created the website, and the group Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust, are credited with the turn of fortune for the abortion seller, which also operates a DuPont abortion facility in Washington, D.C.

Bryan Kemper, coordinator of street activism for Priests for Life, is with Survivors this week as they continue a monthlong campaign against DuPont, which had been planning to open in the fall. Priests for Life has partnered in many ways with Survivors since their inception.

“This is a great victory for life and I’m very excited to be sharing this moment with Survivors and other pro-lifers here in California,” Kemper said. “State officials want California to be an abortion destination but not everyone in the state feels that way. I am thankful that Beverly Hills is one step closer to being abortion free.”

Priests for Life National Director Frank Pavone said successes like this one can be replicated all over the state.

“This is a good reminder for Gov. Gavin Newsom that the state does not belong to him, it belongs to the people,” Pavone said. “There are so many dedicated pro-life activists in the state, and all of them should be energized by this victory in Beverly Hills.”